October 22, 2007

Dawes Arboretum

Yes, more trees! In contrast to having a trail to myself at Battelle Darby Creek, Dawes was packed with people. I noticed there is a lot more that is still green at Dawes.
Dawes Arboretum
Dawes Arboretum
Dawes Arboretum

The Cypress Swamp. I had not seen it dry before. I'm fascinated by this for some reason.
Dawes Arboretum

The view from the observation tower, which swayed when someone walked up the stairs.
Dawes Arboretum

A picture of Ray taking a picture.
Dawes Arboretum

We stopped at Clarks for their famous chicken on the way home. The menu gives you the choice of chicken, ham, or steak. I didn't see anyone eating anything other than chicken.

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