February 25, 2008

Hanging in there.

I have to admit the winter weather was getting to me. Last week it seemed like I had to be out driving every day when conditions were at their worst, and the areas that were the worst. I started getting grouchy. What to do, what to do....go walk in a Metro Park!

This time it was Highbanks.

Winter doesn't seem so bad now. I was also cheered up by seeing that Barry Douglas (AKA The Hunky Pianist) is scheduled to perform with the Columbus Symphony in October. To keep myself cheered about that I have to avoid thinking about the odds of a symphony strike.

I also changed my desktop to this.
Crabapple tree
It was taken April 20 - that's less than two months away. Which is about the length of time I agreed to keep working my job. My boss says to hang in there. I think I can.


mollylouhoo said...

That sunset picture is lovely. I am with you on getting worn out with winter. Remember how excited I was in November? Yeah, I'm over it.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the photo of the blossoms. What a great antidote to the February blahs.
